CodePersonal UseCommercial Use
Bear 1IDR 8.000IDR 20.00010 pcs
Bear 2IDR 8.000IDR 20.00010 pcs
Bear 3IDR 8.000IDR 20.00010pcs
BunnyIDR 10.000IDR 25.00012 pcs
FloralIDR 5.000IDR 20.00016 pcs
FoodieIDR 15.000IDR 25.00016 pcs
ConfettiIDR 3.000IDR 10.00021 pcs
DoodleIDR 3.000IDR 10.00021 pcs
RainbowIDR 15.000IDR 25.000 
CustomPrice may varies  

O1. Ketentuan Umum
Sebaiknya sudah ada 1 alamat email tetap ya. karena hasil .png-nya nanti akan dikirim melalui folder Google Drive private, di mana customer memerlukan request dari Vivi buat aksesnya nanti. Jadi, diharapkan pakai email yang tetap ya. Kalau sudah purchase dan terjadi kendala yang bukan disebabkan dari Vivi (misal : lupa password untuk email yang udah ada akses untuk ke foldernya) maka harus purchase lagi untuk akses foldernya nanti.

Untuk custom sticker pack diharapkan udah ada gambaran yang jelas soal konsep dan bayangan stickernya. Boleh cantumin beberapa gambar untuk referensi dan nantinya akan aku proses.
Boleh banget nanya-nanya dulu dan brainstorming konsepnya bareng-bareng.

O2. Pembayaran

Customer harus melalukan pembayaran di awal sebelum bisa mengakses sticker packs yang diinginkan.
Pembayaran bisa dilakukan melalui BCA, GOPAY, DANA, dan OVO.

O3. Proses

Estimasi waktu pengerjaan untuk custom sticker packs bervariasi antara 2 hari sampai 2 minggu tergantung dengan kesulitan dan faktor lain (misal : jadwal kuliah Vivi) jadi diharapkan untuk tidak terburu-buru yaaa^^
Jika nanti ada penundaan waktu pengerjaan, Vivi nanti akan komunikasikan dengan customernya secara personal.

Vivi hanya menyediakan 1x revisi. Revisi berikutnya akan dikenakan biaya tambahan.

Hasilnya nanti akan dikirim dalam bentuk .png melalui folder Google Drive ya.

O4. Copyright

Saya (Vivi @snugglis) memegang semua hak cipta atas karya orisinil.

Desain akhir merupakan 100% milik saya. Jadi, desain akhir masih bisa saya gunakan kembali.

Customer tidak diperkenankan untuk mengubah dan/atau mengakui bahwa desain tersebut adalah milik customer yang bersangkutan.

Namun, hal ini bisa dikomunikasikan kembali jika customer menginginkan karya yang dapat dimiliki secara ekslusif.

Customer diharapkan untuk membaca penjelasan di bawah ini untuk memahami hak penggunaan karya.

Penggunaan "Komersial" adalah penggunaan apa pun:
a. yang melibatkan pertukaran uang atau pertimbangan lain,
b. yang mempromosikan bisnis (misalnya, kepemilikan perseorangan, korporasi, atau kemitraan), produk, atau layanan, atau
c. di mana keuntungan finansial atau pertimbangan lain dicari atau merupakan hasil, secara langsung atau tidak langsung, dari penggunaan Aset Berlisensi oleh Penerima Lisensi.
Jika salah satu atau lebih dari kriteria di (a), (b), dan (c) terpenuhi, maka penggunaan tersebut dianggap "Komersial".

ini HANYA untuk PENGGUNAAN PRIBADI. Klien tidak boleh mengklaimnya sebagai milik mereka atau menggunakannya untuk hal lain selain penggunaan pribadi. Agar suatu penggunaan dapat dianggap "Pribadi", itu harus memenuhi SEMUA TIGA dari yang berikut:
a. Penggunaannya tidak boleh melibatkan pertukaran uang,
b. Penggunaan tidak boleh mempromosikan entitas bisnis (termasuk organisasi nirlaba),
c. Penggunaannya tidak boleh secara langsung atau tidak langsung menghasilkan keuntungan finansial
Jika salah satu atau lebih dari kriteria di (a), (b), dan (c) terpenuhi, maka penggunaan tersebut dianggap "Pribadi".
Anda boleh membuat produk akhir fisik, atau memposting hasilnya di media sosial selama itu TIDAK DIGUNAKAN SECARA KOMERSIAL.

how to order

1. Contact me via direct message or email.

2. Send me a message containing the type of commission and a picture you want me to illustrate. Please give a detailed description if you want some fantasy touches for the commission, visual references are always appreciated!

Visual Reference Guidelines

Client must provide at least one clear and concise visual reference; please supplement the visual reference with any important information I may need to know to correctly draw the character.

If you link to a gallery of your character’s artwork, I cannot promise your design will be done with 100% accuracy. Design interpretations may be inconsistent between images and lessen my ability to accurately draw your character. Shading on potential pieces will also play a part in this.

3. Complete full or half payment to to start the commission.

Order Here!


O1. General Terms

Discussion of commissions can be conducted via email, twitter or instagram direct messages, LINE, and Whatsapp.

You will get 2 rounds of revision. Further revisions will be charged.

The price may increase or decrease depending on complexity and our agreement.

By ordering anything 18+/NSFW you are agreeing that you are at or above the age of 18.

O2. Payment

Commissions can be paid either 100% upfront or split (50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval).

Payment could be done in USD through paypal and IDR through BCA, GOPAY, DANA, OVO, LinkAja.

O3. Process

The estimated time for processing the commission varies between 1 to 2 weeks depending on the complexity and other factors.

If there are any delays in completion of a commission, I will personally notify the customer.

Completion of most commissions are generally estimated to take no more than roughly 1 to 2 weeks. If for any reason I cannot complete a commission within 90 days of ordering, I will issue a full refund.

You will receive the soft file in PNG and JPG.

O4. Copyright

I retain all copyrights over the original artwork.


“Commercial” use is any use:
a. that involves an exchange of money or other consideration,
b. that promotes a business (e.g., sole proprietorship, corporation, or partnership), product, or service, or
c. where financial gain or other consideration is either sought or a result, directly or indirectly, of Licensee’s use of the Licensed Asset.

If any one or more of the criteria in (a), (b), and (c) is met, then the use is deemed “Commercial”.


The client may not claim it as their own or use it for anything other than personal use.
These commissions are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. For a use to be considered “Personal” it must meet ALL THREE of the following:

a. The use must not involve an exchange of money
b. The use must not promote a business entity (this includes non-profit organizations)
c. The use must not directly or indirectly result in financial gain
If any one or more of the criteria in (a), (b), and (c) is met, then the use is deemed “Personal”.
You may create physical end products, or post the result on social media as long as it is NON-COMMERCIAL USE.



★★★★★ (5 out of 5)
Description :

Turn your memories into a piece of art with magical touch. Through digital brush strokes, we help you preserve your life's lovely moments.

Face Close Up IDR 49.999
Head IDR 49.999
Head - Chest IDR 79.999
Head - Waist IDR 79.999
Full Body IDR 99.999
Additional BackgroundPrice may varies depends on complexity


★★★★★ (5 out of 5)
Description :

Turn your adorable pets into a piece of art with pawsome touch. Through digital brush strokes, we help you preserve your lovely furry friends.

Heads IDR 29.999
Full BodyIDR 49.999
Additional BackgroundPrice may varies depends on complexity


★★★★★ (5 out of 5)
Description :

Request a brand new concept or create a vision for a work of art that you want. Custom Illustrations are created specifically for you, even more meaningful and can fit your exact specifications.
Price may varies depends on the complexity and artwork's use license



★★★★★ (5 out of 5)
Description :

Turn your memories into a piece of art with magical touch. Through watercolor brush strokes, we help you preserve your life's lovely moments.

A6IDR 39.999
A5 IDR 59.999
A4IDR 99.999
Additional BackgroundPrice may varies depends on complexity


★★★★★ (5 out of 5)
Description :

Turn your memories into a piece of art with black and white touch. Through pencil strokes, we help you preserve your life's lovely moments.

A6IDR 39.999
A5 IDR 59.999
A4IDR 99.999
Additional BackgroundPrice may varies depends on complexity


★★★★★ (5 out of 5)
Description :

Request a brand new concept or create a vision for a work of art that you want. Custom Illustrations are created specifically for you, even more meaningful and can fit your exact specifications.
Price may varies depends on the complexity and artwork's use license